Modeling of the Oued Nil alluvial water table (wilaya of Jijel)

Modeling of the Oued Nil alluvial water table (wilaya of Jijel)

Hocine Chouial

61,63 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
Ciencias de la tierra/geociencias
61,63 €
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The objective of this work is to study the modeling of the hydrodynamic functioning of the Alluvial groundwater of Oued Nil (wilaya of Jijel). At the beginning of this dissertation, we started with a bibliographical study, in which we exposed the principles and the objectives of the various types of model in permanent regime and in transient regime. Then we have made a presentation of the study area, which shows that the geological formations of the plain of Wadi Nil are alluvial fillings near the wadis and sandy formations in the north. The hydroclimatological study indicates that the study area is characterized by an intermediate climate (subhumid to humid), with a mild winter and a dry summer, the average annual rainfall calculated at the station of Taher (Achouat) is 967.11mm and an average annual temperature of about 20.77°C. The lithostratigraphic section carried out on the water table shows an aquifer horizon with passages of clay lenses that make the water table locally captive. According to the piezometric map of the water table, the flow is from upstream to downstream.

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