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Metacognitive Awareness in Reading Strategies Among Divergent Learners

Metacognitive Awareness in Reading Strategies Among Divergent Learners


111,76 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
111,76 €
IVA incluido
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English has become a major mode of communication. It has a great influence in shaping the political, social, economic, and cultural life in India. It is used in administration, judiciary, in education and even for literary purposes in India. It’s the medium of interaction and discussion throughout the world. In today’s generation everything is in fast track mode. There is considerable amount of pressure on every individual to survive in this competitive world, where communication is a key factor. Learning English at the Undergraduate level is not only demand but had become an aspect of reputation for parents. English language at the college level helps the students to excel in interviews, present seminars and confident speaker in public speaking and interact with teachers without inhibition. The English language helps the students to grow socially, economically and become extrovert speakers.The book highlights the role of metacognitive strategy on reading skills. It also makes an attempt to critically analyze the innovative modules which can motivate the learners in improving their LSRW skills.

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