Mariem CHAÂBANE / Samira MHAMEDI / Selsabil DABOUSSI
The incidence of pleural diseases continues to rise worldwide.Medical thoracoscopy remains the gold standard for exploring the pleural cavity. It is both simple and well-tolerated. This monograph illustrates both the diagnostic and therapeutic value of medical thoracoscopy performed by the pulmonologist, as well as the real-life illustrations of images taken during the examination of our patients, showing several pathological aspects ranging from nodules to grape-like appearance suggestive of mesothelioma. We hope to provide practitioners with a detailed step-by-step technique for performing thoracoscopy. Illustrate the technique of thoracoscopic talcation or chemical pleurodesis using talc spraying.Through this book, we hope to pass on our know-how, and to enable all users to acquire the necessary skills to carry out a pleural biopsy.