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Maternal experiences of neonatal hospitalization

Maternal experiences of neonatal hospitalization

Ana Lucia de Lourenzi Bonilha / Carolline Assis de Azevedo / Mariana Bello Porciuncula

36,68 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
36,68 €
IVA incluido
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Waiting for the arrival of a child awakens various feelings in the family, especially in the mother. However, the unexpected hospitalization of the newborn brings about ambivalent feelings on the part of the mothers. It is understood that mothers’ experiences of their newborn’s hospitalization generate feelings of sadness, guilt, fear and frustration. However, they can also arouse positive feelings as they experience their child’s daily improvement. Studies have highlighted the need for nursing staff to identify these feelings in order to help mothers cope with hospitalization and provide more effective care for their child.

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