Married to Fiji

Married to Fiji

Claudette Chant / Cristina San Martin / Sharon Bulkeley

20,08 €
IVA incluido
Tellwell Talent
Año de edición:
Separación y divorcio
20,08 €
IVA incluido
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MARRIED TO FIJI is a true story about where it all began.I didn’t know it at the time, but my journey to healing my wildheart started way back in 2008, at a time in my life when I quit my permanent government job on a whim, packed up my life in Canberra into a suitcase and moved to Fiji to live with the man that I had only spent a grand total of ten days with, whom I would go on to marry.My story of love, loss and everything in between turned out to be the catalyst for my journey back to my heart, the healing I so desperately needed and didn’t even know it.Once upon a time, there lived a loud, fun, unconditionally loving, wildhearted beauty named Cristina. She was Australian of Latino heritage, with silky smooth chocolate locks and luscious hourglass curves to match.One day, while on holiday, she met the island prince of her dreams; they fell in love under the tropical Fijian sun and went on to be married amongst the palm trees in complete island bliss. She ended up leaving her government job, swapping cocktails for kava and trading in her Canberra life for life in a Fijian village and lived happily ever after!The end.Except, that’s not quite how it happened.

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