Malignant breast tumors

Malignant breast tumors

Lynda Aoudia

84,41 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
Medicina: cuestiones generales
84,41 €
IVA incluido
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Imaging is used at every stage in the management of breast cancer, for screening, diagnosis, extension, follow-up under treatment and post-treatment monitoring. It can also help to predict the histological types of breast cancer in order to guide management.The aim of this book is to explain the different histological types of breast cancer, their mammographic, ultrasonographic and MRI aspects, and their particular imaging features.This pedagogical and didactic book provides a radiological description of the various malignant tumors of the breast, illustrating the different presentations of these tumors, and the main imaging features for diagnosis. It is intended for radiology interns and practicing physicians.

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