Baran Bogdan / Hanzyuk Andriy / Hordieiev Anatoly

119,32 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
Ecología, la biosfera
119,32 €
IVA incluido
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A unified approach is proposed to explain the set of phenomena that accompany the influence of hydrocavitation and magnetic field on water systems. The mechanism of influence of the magnetic field on the kinetics of biochemical reactions was investigated. The magnetic field significantly affects the kinetics of those physicochemical processes in aqueous solutions, in the mechanism of which hydrogen bonds play a dominant role. The simultaneous cavitation-magnetic effect on the liquid medium allows to achieve a significant intensification of physico-chemical transformations in water flows and a change in its properties: an increase in pH, a decrease in the coefficient of surface tension and boiling point. As a result of the conducted research, a number of designs of vibrating machines and equipment have been developed, which can be used to improve the characteristics of drinking water, preliminary preparation for its further treatment, illumination and oxygen saturation, acceleration of the fermentation processes of biological particles in water streams.

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