Longhorn Beetles of Pakistan

Longhorn Beetles of Pakistan

Kamran Ahmed Pathan / Waheed Ali Panhwar

61,57 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
Zoología y ciencias animales
61,57 €
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The beetles are included in the order Coleoptera. The beetles are included in the family beetles. The beetles are present in almost all ecosystems except the ocean and polar regions. These are the most important biological control agents for agro-ecosystems. The beetles are they going assortments extensive help in the biological control of tree-dwelling soil-dwelling insects and also eat caterpillars, maggots, aphids, bug, ants, wasp. Family Cerambycidae which are known as long-horned beetles and they are present in every longhorn contain their name occurs due to their long antennae which extends longer than their body length, the male antennae longer than the female. The larvae of most species of ground wasps developed for about one year or more in the tree stem and main branches either as heartwood or sapwood feeder. Larvae of some species developed in rotten wood, while others developed into the roots of herbaceous plants. They have recycled the organic materials of rotten wood which have the main economic. Their adults were short lived; fungal spores they fed on the nectar of flowers, or pollen grains, and were moved to trees in which Wisdom has flown.

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