Landslide distribution in Katana

Landslide distribution in Katana

Gérard Cubaka / Isaac Matabaro

60,20 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
60,20 €
IVA incluido
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This work focused on the study of landslides in the East of the Rdcongo, in the province of Suk-Kivu, in the territory of Katana, on a sector that covers the grouping of Katana, Mushweshwe and Birava. It was a question of making an inventory of phenomena related to the instability of the slopes, categorizing them and determining the factors that favor their appearance in this region located on the East African Rift. An inventory was made of 47 landslides of three different types (translational, rotational and block fall). The translational landslides are of larger size compared to the other types. These gravity movements are not favored by slopes but by their orientation towards Lake Kivu. In the study area, three types of rocks are found (metamorphic, eruptive and sedimentary). The majority of landslides are found in Precambrian and altered metamorphic rocks. The presence of tectonic faults in the area has no relationship with the presence of landslides.

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