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Lack of dressing on the caesarean wound at the hospital of Sikasso

Lack of dressing on the caesarean wound at the hospital of Sikasso

Abdel Aziz Baby

94,55 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
94,55 €
IVA incluido
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Caesarean section is a very common obstetrical procedure in the world. The surgical wound that it causes can have an unfavorable evolution. In hospital practice, the most common attitude is to cover the wound with a conventional dressing after skin suture in the operating room in order to prevent infection of the surgical site. However, not everyone agrees with this technique, particularly THOMERET who recommends that the dressing be completely removed postoperatively. Since the advent of free cesarean section in our countries, practices that tend to reduce its cost are sought. The main concern is how to ensure the sustainability of this free service. The absence of a dressing on the surgical wound seems attractive for its financial advantage, especially in our less affluent countries, but is it applicable in our working conditions? To answer this question we undertook this study. The objective of this prospective cohort study was to compare the evolution of surgical wounds whether or not they were covered by a dressing and the related cost.

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