Journey  to  Empycrist II

Journey to Empycrist II

Laurent Sueur

8,91 €
IVA incluido
Año de edición:
8,91 €
IVA incluido
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In the immensity of the universe, there is the Earth: a blue crystal turning black. In the vastness of the Creation, there is Empycrist II: the illusion of paradise on Earth. Between them, man, a strange creature, is about to destroy the former, which compels him to go to the latter in order to survive. Five brilliant scientists go to this planet and, at the same time, realize during a journey into their souls that the survival of mankind is not a geographical issue. If madness leads to barbarity, reason leads to humanity. Achieving a higher level of consciousness, they discover the aim of the universe and the role of man in the Creation. Reader, follow them to Empycrist: you will see your reflection in the mirror of truth...

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