

Mohammad Ashraf

90,99 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
Administración pública
90,99 €
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Civilizational niche is wantonly curvilinear. Irrespective of this nature of trend with drift, history encountered countless enterprises that sometimes recall its long memory of resurgence, revivalism or reverberate. Persian or Iranian civilization is to name as such as an example. The history of Persia is not like the history of Europe or North America. Yet, Iran is one of the few Third World states that do not owe their present geographical configuration to European colonialism. In fact, this is just like a melting pot where myriads of cultural concoctions render the superb pure Persian flavor of niceties that refract the beams of ultra-violate sunlight of magnificent rainbows on the simmering canopy of bubbles. The case of Persia has always been a box of immensely surprising and yet fascinating ingredient of understanding to a many of the sharp-eyed observers of the world. Truly, the history of this unique part of land distinctly conveys the message of one of the oldest cultural heritages in the cascade of civilization and that has had and continued dominating the world at least for more than 2500 years vis-à-vis antiquity on the one hand and modernity on the other.

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