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Hybrid thinking in the work of Tahar Ben Jelloun

Hybrid thinking in the work of Tahar Ben Jelloun

Hafid Abouelkacem

86,83 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
86,83 €
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Through the theory of hybridity, we have been able to shed light on some of the works of Tahar Ben Jelloun, an internationally renowned author. First, by highlighting what is related to the linguistic hybridity that underlies Ben Jelloun’s work. Then, the question of genres by clarifying the presence of genres (tales, rihla and legend) and their characteristics in the text. Finally, we have undertaken a reading of the two texts in the light of the theory of cultural hybridity as thought in the work of Bakhtine and Alphonso de Toro.

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