How to Attract Anyone, Anywhere, In Any Situation

How to Attract Anyone, Anywhere, In Any Situation

Lucian Simon Ionesco

17,66 €
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17,66 €
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If you are one of those who cannot even attract flies in summer, do not worry, seduction is an art that can be learned and improves with practice. So what are you waiting for? You have two options: start reading this book now! Throw yourself into the street with the firm intention of seducing the first passerby. Although I recommend the first one better. In addition, who am I? First, I would say that I am a confident, attractive, intelligent and obviously self-confident person. Although I have not always been like this. I was the typical self-conscious teenager, with dentures and glasses included, and although according to my grandmother they gave me a very cute air, I felt like a real ugly duckling. I had to learn to love myself and exploit my strengths to like myself and pass it on to others. Well, the basis of all seduction begins with love and respect for oneself; It is impossible to seduce anyone if we do not have security and self-confidence. For the last ten years, I have been working as a freelance journalist, writing about psychology and personal relationships. I currently teach courses on how to successfully seduce and interact in different areas of our lives: at work, with family, with friends. In addition, from the experiences gathered in my seminars I have written this book, with which you will learn the keys of seduction to make those around you gradually lose the ability to resist your charm, without knowing how or why it has happened. You will learn to always be on your guard, not to waste a moment to put your power of attraction into practice with anyone, anywhere and in any situation.The simple techniques that I propose will allow you to face new contacts with confidence; communicate with them - often without saying a word! - And interpret their messages. You’ll learn everything you need to make a date, successfully interact with the opposite sex, or make exciting new friends; including how to converse assertively with anyone about anything; how to listen actively and engagingly; and how to say goodbye to negative feelings of self-rejection. When you are done reading this book, you will have gained a lifetime of experience in just a few short hours. The stories are interesting to follow, and the challenging concepts have been made easy to understand. So get ready to broaden your horizons and adjust your expectations because you are in for one hell of a ride! 

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