Horses, Heartache & Healing

Horses, Heartache & Healing

Horses, Heartache & Healing

Elizabeth Denniss

18,49 €
IVA incluido
Rafa Life Inward Journey
Año de edición:
Mente, cuerpo y espíritu: pensamiento y práctica
18,49 €
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Horses, Heartache and Healing is an authentic story written from the heart by a woman of great depth and wisdom. The story of wild born horses, rescued from drought and certain death is a fascinating tale. Elizabeth takes the reader on a first hand journey to Outback Australia and then into another realm of healing, growth and personal development through the way of the horse. In sharing her experiences - the joy, laughter and tears - Elizabeth explains how equine facilitated learning offers unique therapeutic benefits to anyone blessed to have interactions with horses. The story beings in 2005 when a group of horse lovers from Margaret River, a small town in the south west of Western Australia, heard about some unique heritage brumbies that were at risk of dying out completely due to severe drought. The horses were discovered on Earaheedy Station in outback country further north. Led by veterinarian Dr Sheila Greenwell this group of people decided to prevent this loss. During the course of the year two rescue missions were undertaken and 19 horses were saved. The horses were special; everyone who met them knew that. Their genetics had not been altered in over 60 years and they retained many desirable characteristics that had been bred out in modern bloodlines. The Waler Horse Society of Australia, after a long investigation and assessment period, approved the horses as foundational Waler stock, confirming what the Margaret River folk had known all along. One of those people was Elizabeth Denniss, a young woman whose marriage had just ended and who was about to move to a new town to start a new job. Elizabeth had dreamed of owning her own 'silver brumby' ever since reading Elaine Mitchell's Silver Brumby series as a child. In a gigantic leap of faith Elizabeth took the opportunity to purchase Earaheedy Sophie, a 4 month old orphaned filly found starving and dehydrated with her half-sister, Earaheedy Lilly. So began a unique partnership and journey that was destined to lead both Sophie, and Elizabeth to emotional healing and wholeness. Sophie was Elizabeth's comfort and constant companion through challenging times including six years of watching her brother battle mental illness and repeated suicide attempts. Elizabeth was Sophie's lifeline and guardian through emotional and physical life threatening episodes which have led them both to a place where they now offer other people the unique opportunity to experience personal growth, development and healing through the power of equine facilitated learning and coaching programs.

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