Heritage potentialities of the Medina of Fez

Heritage potentialities of the Medina of Fez

Abderrahmane Ouali Alami / Sabah Serrhini

86,96 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
86,96 €
IVA incluido
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The Medina of Fez is the oldest Medina in Morocco and is one of the historical Moroccan cities inscribed on the Unesco World Heritage List. The date of 1981 was a decisive date in the process of its safeguarding, it aroused a real collective awareness of the need to preserve its specificities, its cultural and heritage wealth in favor of development. In recent years, Fez has been at the heart of the tourism development strategy led by the various local actors. On the basis of the rich and diversified heritage resources that Fez abounds in, it has benefited from the first PDRT at the national level. However, the objective of the Moroccan authorities was to develop cultural tourism in the city in order to make it a tourist destination in its own right. The main objective of this work is to present the different specificities of our study area, to emphasize the different potentialities in heritage resources of Fez before finally questioning the state of tourism in Fez through its diagnosis in relation to the heritage resources of the city.

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