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Hand Splinting / Orthotic Intervention

Hand Splinting / Orthotic Intervention

Hand Splinting / Orthotic Intervention

Judith Wilton

104,04 €
IVA incluido
Fontaine Press
Año de edición:
104,04 €
IVA incluido
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Hand splinting/orthotic fabrication is a vital intervention used by occupational and physiotherapists to restore optimum hand function in patients/clients whose upper limbs have been affected by congenital conditions, disease or trauma. This practical book, designed for therapists and students approaches hand splinting/orthotic fabrication from the perspective of the purpose of the intervention. Detailed information describes how orthoses can immobilize tissues to achieve healing or functional objectives, mobilize tissues to restore joint motion, and restrict tissues to gain function. Armed with knowledge of orthosis function and purpose, and practical procedures and techniques, hand and upper limb therapists will be able to fabricate orthoses for a wide range of diagnoses.Features of this book include:- Over 150 illustrations of orthoses and patterns.- Comprehensive index listing orthoses by region/joint and purpose of intervention - immobilization, mobilization, restriction and torque transmission.- Elbow, forearm, wrist, finger and thumb chapters with a consistent easy to follow approach to orthotic intervention options, highlighting anatomical principles and latest literature. - Biomechanical, technical and practical information essential to design and fabrication of upper limb orthoses.- Emphasis on clinical reasoning and patient/client contribution in orthotic intervention.- Detailed illustrations and pattern descriptions of all orthoses.- Step by step instructions for orthosis fabrication.- Specific chapter on orthotic and casting interventions for neurological dysfunction addressing current literature, classification of hand deformity and dysfunction, and intervention options.

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