Greenhouse Gardening

Greenhouse Gardening

Jason Johns

21,27 €
IVA incluido
Inspiring Gardening Ideas
Año de edición:
Métodos de jardinería especializados
21,27 €
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'Greenhouse Gardening : A Beginners Guide To Growing Fruit & Vegetables All Year Round' is for anyone who wants to know how to get the most out of their greenhouse.  Whether you want to extend your growing season, grow unusual plants or protect your valued plants from the frost a greenhouse is an essential tool for any gardener. Greenhouses are so useful but many people don’t make the most of their greenhouse and it soon either gets filled with clutter or turns into a jungle of uncontrolled plants.  This book provides you with a complete guide to growing any type of plant in a greenhouse and how to make the most of it. With the information in this book you will be able to avoid the many pitfalls and issues people encounter when buying, building and using their greenhouse.As you read this book you will learn everything you need to know about owning a greenhouse from choosing the best type of greenhouse to building the foundation and even buying used greenhouses. You will learn how a greenhouse can extend your growing season and let you grow plants that you would otherwise be unable to grow.In 'Greenhouse Gardening : A Beginners Guide To Growing Fruit & Vegetables All Year Round' you will learn:How to buy a greenhouse whether new or usedChoosing the best glass, floor, construction and foundation to ensure your greenhouse has a long lifeThe difference between a greenhouse and a poly tunnelHow to build a solid foundation for your greenhouseWhy air-flow and cooling is so important and how to prevent humidity damaging your plantsThe best way to heat your greenhouse and the differences between the different heating systemsHow to irrigate your greenhouse to automatically water your plants and protect them from heat damageThe difference between growing in the ground versus growing in containersTo secure your greenhouse against the wind and protect it from damageHow to start seedlings successfully in your greenhouseGrowing tomatoes, chillies, peppers, citrus plants, squashes, cucumbers, grapes, tropical plants and more in your greenhousePreparing your greenhouse for spring time

  • Overwintering your greenhouse and extending your growing seasonAvoiding the potential problems associated with owning a greenhouseThe potential diseases and pests you will encounter in your greenhouseHow to ensure your plants are pollinated in your greenhouseGrowing year round in your greenhouseThe best way to clean your greenhouse to avoid potential problemsA greenhouse is an essential tool for any gardener, particularly those in cooler areas and can make a difference between your tomatoes ripening and you having fried green tomatoes! When you read this book you will avoid the many frustrations a greenhouse owner can face, with all the information you need to successful grow in a greenhouse.Enjoy owning your greenhouse as 'Greenhouse Gardening : A Beginners Guide To Growing Fruit & Vegetables All Year Round' explains all about the potential pitfalls and how to avoid them. Discover the many benefits of owning a greenhouse today and how you can grow your own vegetables, plants and flowers all year round!

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