Google Searching Like a Pro

Google Searching Like a Pro

Google Searching Like a Pro

Scott La Counte

12,23 €
IVA incluido
Diana La Counte
Año de edición:
Métodos de investigación: general
12,23 €
IVA incluido
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Become a Google power searcher!There’s more to a Google search than meets the eye. On the surface, there’s not a lot to it. You type in what you are looking for, click search, and go through the results. If that sounds like you, then you are only scratching the surface of what Google can do for you.There are certain filters and commands you can apply to your Google search that will make finding exactly what you want a breeze. This book will walk you through all the different kinds of searches you can perform (like images, videos, and even the lowest prices on products), and show you how to make your search even more powerful. The book will cover:Types of searches you can perform. Google Search operators. Performing an advance Google search. Setting up Google Alerts. And much more! If you are ready to become an expert Google search pro in just a few minutes, then let’s get started!

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