Getting Even With Steven

Getting Even With Steven

Getting Even With Steven

Michael Selsman

12,98 €
IVA incluido
M3 Publishers
Año de edición:
Guiones cinematográficos
12,98 €
IVA incluido
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The war between men and women – will it never end? One hopes not. In this screenplay, “Getting Even With Steven;” a man is completely humiliated by his wife, morally, physically, and finally, economically, just because of an illness, a life-threatening condition particular to men, that he can’t help. Oh, yes, he tries to do something about it, but fails miserably. Is it his fault he has a disease like Satyriasis? It hits one in a hundred men like Steven. They struggle– most suffer quietly, some give in to their pain, and we watch poor Steven – a victim if ever there was one.Satyriasis is also known as male nymphomania – lots of guys have it – Bill Clinton, risked impeachment over a quick blowjob behind the door of his office. Michael Douglas apparently got throat cancer from eating pussy –sorry, I meant cunnilingus. The guy who was scheduled to be the next president of France, Dominique Strauss-Kahn got derailed, and divorced, over a maid. And Italian president Silvio Berlusconi is a confirmed vagatarian.Poor Steven. As he tries to go straight, he vacillates, he wrestles, he broods and worries – all to no avail, as he once again he falls off the wagon.Steven has hurt a lot of people in his life - his wife, his former girlfriends, and his mistress, even his mom. Steven will do anything for sex.  His gorgeous wife, Leslie, is about to leave him.  After enrolling in a 12-step program similar to Sexaholics Anonymous, he swears he’s cured - until he meets the young and gorgeous Miranda.  While playing Adam & Eve on a deserted island with Miranda, Leslie receives a kidnap note and, frightened, she hurriedly disposes of all their property, $20 million worth.When Steven returns, he finds he’s broke.  Obviously, he’s been scammed, but by who? The list of suspects is dizzying. His best friend the lawyer? His jilted secretary? Maybe even his mom?  The hilarious untangling of Steven’s affairs is a strong comment on contemporary American values and the power of women. Oh, and the by way, it’s a franchise – the girls get to do it again, this time in Paris. 3

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