

Andrey Tikhomirov / Sergey Smetanin

38,05 €
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KS OmniScriptum Publishing
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38,05 €
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The names 'Germanicus', 'Germans', 'Germany' come from the Latin language: Germanicus - Germanicus; Germani - Germans, numerous tribes that lived between the Rhine, Danube, Vistula and the North Sea; Germania - Germany, an area east of the Rhine inhabited by Germanic tribes. Which, in turn, goes back to such Latin words as: germane - frankly, sincerely; germanitas (germanus) - brotherhood, close kinship, kinship; germanus (germen) - native, real, genuine; germen - bud, sprout, embryo, descendant; germino (germen) - let the sprouts grow. The Austrians were the result of the numbness of the Slavs. Slavs have created the state Self about 623. After its disintegration Slavs have created a princedom in Carinthia (Horutania) which inhabitants lived on farms. In the middle of the 8th century, the Slavs, who fought against the Avars, became dependent on the Bavarians, then the Franks, and after the collapse of the Carolingian Empire in 843, these lands, together with Bavaria, went to the kingdom of the Eastern Franks, the future Germany, which apparently called these territories 'Austria' - 'eastern empire', from Ost - 'east' and Reich - 'empire'.

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