Fourteen Doubts about Five Religions

Fourteen Doubts about Five Religions

Fourteen Doubts about Five Religions

Ivan Beggs

17,09 €
IVA incluido
Ivan Beggs
Año de edición:
Filosofía de la religión
17,09 €
IVA incluido
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These are stories about what clergy of five religions were saying about suffering & evil, sin & Karma, forgiveness, faith, hope, joy, love, sex, God’s character, experiencing God, afterlife, scriptures, authority, and the meaning of life. And the stories about the laypeople who were reluctant to voice their continuing doubts to the clergy.  Yet, the whispered to the author their deeper concerns. The book has fourteen chapters that the laypeople are concerned about.  In each chapter the clergy of the five religions give their view.  Then the laypeople give their doubts.This is an excellent writing for individual study, group discussions, and comparative religion courses.  It is a must read for professionals, educators, and people who want a deeper view of their an other religions.  Highly recommended by readers. 3

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