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Florilegio De Las Letras En Español En Los Estados Unidos

Florilegio De Las Letras En Español En Los Estados Unidos

Víctor Fuentes

36,47 €
IVA incluido
Año de edición:
Enseñanza y aprendizaje de lenguas (distintas del inglés)
36,47 €
IVA incluido
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Properly named 'Florilegio' (flower picking), in this work Professor Víctor Fuentes collects literary texts written in Spanish within the territory of the United States of America.Presenting them along details of the cultural historical context, and how that literary world and its publications  developed through the centuries, this 'florilegio' aims to 'sow the seeds of a History of the Spanish Language Literature in the United States, waiting to be written', in Professor Fuentes’ own words.Conceived as a tribute to the memory of Professor Don Luis Leal, one of the most prominent Hispanist and Latin Americanist in the United States since the 50s of the last century, and who, as an eminent Mexicanist, became an early advocate for the Literature and Chicano Studies from his position at the University, and within the Spanish speaking community in Santa Barbara, this Edition includes brief notes on the texts, semblances of the authors, and an extensive bibliography that opens the doors to future academic works on the subject.It should be noted that these texts reflect the literary contribution that the Spanish language has made to the American culture from the 16th to the mid -twentieth century, a contribution that continues today and that will undoubtedly be collected by the scholars who continue this work.The Spanish Language contribution is what, without a doubt, distinguishes the particular culture of the United States of America, in the same way the French Language contribution distinguishes the culture of Canada, or the Nauhatl the culture of Mexico, all of them without exclusivity, as it is indubitable the influence of all immigration currents upon cultures in all the nations of the world.

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