Feeding Practices for Replacement Heifers

Feeding Practices for Replacement Heifers

Vivek Pratap Singh

85,78 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
Botánica y ciencias de las plantas
85,78 €
IVA incluido
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Animal Husbandry with various domesticated species of livestock is an important sector of the rural economy of India for the past hundred of years. Its role in augmenting income and employment, specially weaker sections of the society and in improving the nutritional status of our population needs to be promoted untiringly. Heifers are a vital component of the cow-calf sector. These animals represent the introduction of new genetics and contribute to the future productivity of the herd. A good heifer management program is an essential component in overall reproductive management and ensuring performance of the breeding herd. Good heifer management achieves early puberty, higher weaning rates, low mortalities and early identification of females for turnoff.The in-depth scientific documentation on the rearing aspects of heifers in one single volume is the main highlight of the book.

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