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Feeding & physiology of ovine reproduction

Feeding & physiology of ovine reproduction

Ibrahim Medini

60,13 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
60,13 €
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The mastery of sheep breeding is always linked to techniques well adopted to the physiological and morphological characteristics of sheep. Jean Pierre Boutonnet mentioned, within the framework of the congress of the bicentenary of the Bergerie nationale on the 29/04/1986 in Rambouillet (FRANCE), ' The sheep breeding did not know the evolution towards the type of intensive mass production that the other big animal productions knew. Its techniques remain very varied and very much linked to a pragmatic know-how rather than to a series of scientifically established processes'. Sheep reproduction is characterized by alternating periods of sexual activity and rest (Khaldi, 1984).

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