Fatal Fails

Fatal Fails

Earl J. Seeley

29,89 €
IVA incluido
Gatekeeper Press
Año de edición:
Cambio climático
29,89 €
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Why This Book? Why Now?The control of the earth’s climate, including the temperature of the earth’s surface and near earth atmosphere, is a complex, intricate, and beautiful system of interactions between a number of forces. These controlling factors, their interactions, and the rate and extent of those interactions, are all variables which contribute to the control of the earth’s climate, including its surface temperature.I first became aware of the 'Theory of Global Warming' in the late 1980’s when I first found the document: (Hansen, J.E., and S. Lebedeff, 1987: Global trends of measured surface air temperature. J. Geophys. Res., 92;13345-13372). As a fruit grower during my youth; A professional horticultural researcher who had worked on different methods of frost control in fruit crops, and in basic research in those areas as well as related subjects; I was acutely aware of the greenhouse effect, its causes, and importance in the control of earth’s surface temperature. The temperature of plant tissues, under various climatic circumstances has been something that has intrigued me and been a subject of my research for over 50 years.The small, but significant, increase in the earth’s surface temperature, over the last 110 years has been attributed to slight increases in the concentration of carbon dioxide, methane, and other minor greenhouse gasses. The danger to the world’s societies, of our present course, the result of attributing all the warming of earth’s surface to the greenhouse impact of these minor greenhouse gasses, is real and alarming. If we utilize most of our available resources in limiting or decreasing the concentration of these minor greenhouse gasses, we will not have the resources required to deal with the real impacts of the major forces behind the warming of earth’s surface, should they continue or increase. In this work you will be exposed to the truth about the flaws and fails of the global warming/climate change theory. You will read about, and see peer reviewed research that establishes the impacts of:A. The three forces which have increased the intensity of the sunlight reaching and warming the earth’s surface.B. The role of the LaNina/ElNino cycle and the North Atlantic Oscillation in causing a major portion of the ice volume loss in, and warming of, the Arctic.C. The role of increasing levels of heat from the earth’s core in causing significant ice volume and extent losses, across the Arctic and Antarctic.D. Changes in the amount of water vapor, liquid and ice in the atmosphere over long periods of time, and this forces contribution to changes in climatic patterns and earth’s surface temperature.You will also be exposed to the climatic impacts of the increasing aerosol concentration in the atmosphere. The above listed causes of changes in the earth’s surface temperature have all been mistakenly attributed to the greenhouse effect of the minor greenhouse gasses because of the basic Fatal Fails of the 'Global Warming/Climate Change Theory'. These Fatal Fails are identified and discussed in this work.

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