Evidence of God

Evidence of God

sanjeev sareen

22,37 €
IVA incluido
sanjeev sareen
Año de edición:
22,37 €
IVA incluido
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God exists. He is all around us, inside us, and we are inside Him; Just like the seed is there inside the fruit and fruit is there inside the seed. Just like the fish, which is made from water, born in water, inside the water, and water is inside it, is not experiencing anything other than the water only. Still, the fish, if its consciousness gets evolved enough, can have the question, what is the water? How to respond to this query? In the same way, we, despite being made of God, by God, are inside the God, God is within, and God is all around, ironically are still looking for God. It’s like God, seeking God in the human form, which has forgotten its true identity. But we are not fish. The solution to any problem cannot be had from the same level of consciousness in which the problem is perceived. We look for evidence because we want to see Him and feel Him the way we see and perceive other things. Which is not possible. It is because we perceive things with the faculties like Mind and Wisdom which are limited and thus not capable to perceive the infinite. They all are objects, creations like us, and are under certain laws, etc. Whereas He is the Creator, the Subject, the One who framed all those laws, and the One who is experiencing the whole thing. He is beyond the reach of mind and wisdom. But He can surely be directly experienced at the level of intuition. And Meditation is the way to awaken the intuition faculty- majorly lying dormant within us. The way is, going inside. All the Masters, through whom came various scriptures, got the knowledge not just simple ideas and concepts, but by experiencing the same. They even demonstrated the same. What more evidence is required? Still, science has given us several theories, that validate the existence of God, very convincingly. This book details several scientific theories and concepts in which each chapter is structured along Science and Spiritual lines. This book has the potential to transform our lives, by establishing the faith in the existence of God and inspiring us to seek Him now with full faith. The journey becomes easier thus.

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