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Evaluation of two production systems in sorghum cultivation

Evaluation of two production systems in sorghum cultivation

Erandi García / Lourdes Cornejo / Luis Noriega

79,19 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
Botánica y ciencias de las plantas
79,19 €
IVA incluido
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It is indisputable that climate change is modifying the distribution and habits of pests and diseases, as we have seen in the field in the last cycles some of them have appeared arriving in greater quantities and with greater voracity, for this reason we must propose a solution to this great problem and some others such as inadequate agricultural practices that lead to problems of soil, water and air pollution. The solution is undoubtedly to change our mode of production by adopting sustainability as a basis in the primary sector, the most important one, since it is the one that allows us to feed the world. Let us change our way of thinking and let us resemble our own nature without affecting it any more and let us restructure everything in our hands in order to give back to our planet the much it gives us and thus safeguard its balance.

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