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Evaluation of the internal adaptation of ceramic infrastructures

Evaluation of the internal adaptation of ceramic infrastructures

Régis Sartori / Thaís Helena M. Conceição / Viviane Cantelli

56,21 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
56,21 €
IVA incluido
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Oral health and facial aesthetics are two fundamental conditions to be achieved by dental rehabilitations. To this end, the dental surgeon can use prosthetic restorations whose adaptation is essential for clinical success. The present study aimed to evaluate and compare the internal adaptation between two groups of ceramic frameworks used in fixed partial dentures on implants. One group was made by milling with zirconia-reinforced blocks (ZIR) and the other by injection using lithium disilicate-reinforced blocks (DIS). The evaluation methodology was based on the Weight Technique, through the replica of the cementation film, and estimation of its thickness. To this end, addition silicone was inserted into the interior of the infraestructures, and these were seated on the prosthetic pillar. The resulting film was removed, its mass measured and applied in a formula, thus obtaining an estimate of the average thickness of the cement film. Given the results obtained, it is believed that the Weight Technique, after the proper standardization, can be employed in clinical practice.

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