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Evaluation of SUS Care for Autistic People in Fortaleza-CE

Evaluation of SUS Care for Autistic People in Fortaleza-CE

Gabrielle Bezerra

77,50 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
77,50 €
IVA incluido
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This study aimed at the guideline of multiprofessional care of the National Policy for the Protection of the Rights of People with Autism (ASD) - Law 12.764/12, whose general objective was to evaluate the multiprofessional care to people with ASD by the Unified Health System (SUS) in Fortaleza- CE. The specific objectives were based on Investigating with the relatives of these people the necessary therapeutic demands; Identify with the Municipal Secretariat of Fortaleza which public institutions of the Unified Health System are responsible for the execution of multiprofessional therapeutic care for autistic people; To ascertain which and how therapeutic care is offered to autistic people by the institutions of the Unified Health System network; Investigate the performance of the managers of the researched centres and representatives of the Municipal Health Secretariat, for the realization of the guideline of multiprofessional care for people with ASD. Several conclusions were drawn in this evaluative research, but the main one is the need for more attention by the State to the demands of people with ASD.

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