Essentials of Physiotherapy

Essentials of Physiotherapy

Essentials of Physiotherapy

Pete Edner

183,29 €
IVA incluido
ML Books International - IPS
Año de edición:
Quiropraxia y osteopatía
183,29 €
IVA incluido
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Physiotherapy primarily uses mechanical force and movements to treat impairments related to functioning and mobility of the body. It is mostly used as an added medical treatment to conventional medicine. This book provides significant information of this discipline to help develop a good understanding of this discipline and related fields. It includes some of the vital pieces of work being conducted across the world, on various topics related to physiotherapy. As this field is emerging at a rapid pace, the contents of this book will help the readers understand the modern concepts and applications of the subject. It will prove to be immensely beneficial to students and researchers in this field. 3

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