Inicio > Estilo de vida, deporte y ocio > Historia natural > Fauna: interés general > Fauna: animales acuáticos > Equipment for Sea Fishing - How to Choose or Make; Rods, Reels, Tackle, Hooks, Baits, Knots and Nets
Equipment for Sea Fishing - How to Choose or Make; Rods, Reels, Tackle, Hooks, Baits, Knots and Nets

Equipment for Sea Fishing - How to Choose or Make; Rods, Reels, Tackle, Hooks, Baits, Knots and Nets


35,00 €
IVA incluido
Davies Press
Año de edición:
Fauna: animales acuáticos
35,00 €
IVA incluido
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This comprehensive guide to sea fishing equipment comprises nine thorough and detailed chapters by various experts on the subject. It takes a comprehensive and informative look at the subject, and is a fascinating read for any fisherman or historian of the sport. Its 184 pages contain a wealth of information and anecdote and are extensively illustrated with black and white drawings and diagrams. Contents Include: The Ocean Fishing Rod; Rods, Reels and Tackle; Tackle Tinkering; General Tackle and Baits; Baits and Diary; Whippings, Servings, Knots, Hooks and Sundry Wrinkles; Apparatus; Knotting and Splicing; Nets and How to Use Them. This book contains classic material dating back to the 1900s and before. The content has been carefully selected for its interest and relevance to a modern audience.

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