Environmental Survey for Construction Projects

Environmental Survey for Construction Projects

Magdy Madany

61,57 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
Ciencia, ingeniería y tecnología medioambientales
61,57 €
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Environmental survey is of great importance during the period of construction, operation and decommissioning of construction projects. Engineering environmental survey (EES) during construction are intended to assess the current state and forecast possible changes in the environment under the influence of anthropogenic load. EES is carried out with the aim of preventing, minimizing or eliminating harmful and undesirable environmental and related social, economic and other consequences and maintaining optimal living conditions for the population. Engineering environmental survey and studies are carried out in accordance with the established procedure for design and survey work for a phased environmental substantiation of the planned economic activity in the development of pre-investment, urban planning, pre-design and project documentation.

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