Environmental Diagnosis, Environmental Impacts

Environmental Diagnosis, Environmental Impacts

José Farias de Melo Leão

56,21 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
56,21 €
IVA incluido
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Due to the lack of specific environmental protection actions regarding the burial of human bodies, many areas have been contaminated by organic and inorganic substances and pathogenic microorganisms. All this contamination occurs when cemeteries are poorly planned and implemented in places that have unfavourable environmental conditions for such an enterprise. The general objective of this work is to carry out an environmental diagnostic study in the surroundings of the company Iberkraft Ind de Papel e Celulose in relation to the installation of the new cemetery. A bibliographic survey was carried out on the current legislation pertinent to cemetery enterprises, including SEMA Resolution 002/2009 and CONAMA Resolution 357/1997 to know the standards and variables necessary for their installation and operation. Soil and water samples were also collected for physical/chemical analyses. It was evidenced in this work that there is a great potential for contamination of both water and soil due to the proximity to the site and slope of the land.

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