English Phonics for Arabic Speakers

English Phonics for Arabic Speakers

Camilia Sadik

51,45 €
IVA incluido
Año de edición:
Enseñanza y aprendizaje de lenguas (distintas del inglés)
51,45 €
IVA incluido
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This book is to teach phonics to adults and their children, and for schools wherein English is taught to Arabic speakers. The instructions in this book are in Arabic but the practice lessons are in English. Meaning of Phonics: Phonics is a group of 90+ sounds that do not sound like the names of the letters that make them. The s is a letter in set, but it is a phonic in rose because in rose, it does not sound like the name of the letter S. A phonic is a single sound produced by many letters like the cian sound in musician. Or it is a single new sound produced by one letter that does not sound like its letter name, like the y in sky that sounds like an I. There are 90+ English sounds we call phonics, which are spelled in 180+ ways we call spelling patterns. Each of the 180 spelling patterns of sounds is presented separately and gradually in this book. See how the vowel A alone has five sounds that are spelled in 12 spelling patterns:rain, ate, day, able, eight | fat | fall, false, auto, law | war | permanent Most learners expect to learn to read and write after learning the 26 English letters. No one tells them that in English, learning letters is never enough, and that learning to read and write requires learning letters + learning phonics. In this book, all the English sounds and their spelling patterns are placed in a queue and then introduced logically and one-at-a-time. This book contains 80 short lessons to teach each sound and each spelling pattern of a sound. Every lesson begins with a spelling rule discovered by the author to make learning logical. Together, the two books 'English Phonics for Arabic Speakers' and 'English for Arabic Speakers' by Camilia Sadik are ideal for teaching phonics and spoken English in schools worldwide where Arabic is spoken. Instead of spending 16 years in schools and universities trying to learn English, Arabic speakers can now learn English within 400 hours of studying on their own or in schools.  Additional Phonics and Spelling Books by Camilia Sadik are 'Learn to Spell 500 Words a Day' and '100 Spelling Rules.' For more info, please visit SpellingRules.com or visit EnglishForArabicSpeakers.com.

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