Egyptian Mythology

Egyptian Mythology

Jason Dodd

11,91 €
IVA incluido
Rivercat Books LLC
Año de edición:
Historia antigua: hasta c. 500 e. c.
11,91 €
IVA incluido
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EGYPTIAN MYTHOLOGYDiscover the enchanting world of ancient Egypt like never before in 'Egyptian Mythology: A Collection of the Best Egyptian Myths.' This captivating volume opens the doors to a realm where gods rule the sky and the underworld, where mythical creatures lurk in the shadows, and where every myth carries a whisper of the eternal struggle between order and chaos. Dive deep into the heart of ancient legends with our first chapter, where the majestic pantheon of Egyptian gods and goddesses awaits to share their stories. Unravel the mysteries of Ra, Osiris, Isis, and Set, and understand the roles they played in shaping the universe and the destinies of mankind.Venture beyond the divine in our second chapter, where beings like the Sphinx and Apep reveal the complexity and richness of Egyptian mythology. Each character, each myth, is a thread in the intricate tapestry of a culture that has fascinated humanity for millennia.From the creation of the world to the epic tales of divine justice and cosmic balance, this collection brings together the most revered and spellbinding stories from the land of pharaohs. Witness the dramatic saga of Osiris and Set, join Horus in his quest for vengeance, and journey with Ra through the perilous night.Perfect for mythology enthusiasts, history buffs, and anyone captivated by the allure of ancient Egypt, this book is a must-have addition to your collection. Step into a world where myths are not just stories, but the very heartbeat of a civilization that continues to enchant and inspire. Get your copy today and let the gods of Egypt guide you through their timeless tales of magic, power, and the eternal dance of life and death.

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