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春风夏雨(Spring Breeze and Summer Rain, Bilingual Edition)

春风夏雨(Spring Breeze and Summer Rain, Bilingual Edition)

Lulu LaChance

18,75 €
IVA incluido
Dixie W Publishing Corporation
Año de edición:
Enseñanza y aprendizaje de lenguas (distintas del inglés)
18,75 €
IVA incluido
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范媛是一个年轻貌美且十分善良的女孩,她的善举影响着身边的人,其言其行传递着爱心与温暖。春风化雨,润物无声。 大学毕业后,和闺蜜的哥哥结婚生子,过着让人羡慕的幸福生活。然而,天有不测风云。在她双胞胎儿女三岁生日的那一天,突如其来的致命打击,犹如晴天霹雳。她倒下了,她的世界崩塌了。 接下来,她会从生命中不可承受之痛解脱出来吗?她会从意外的、毁灭性的打击中重新找回自己吗?Tiffany is a young, beautiful, and very kindhearted girl. Her kind deeds affect the people around her, and her words and benevolent deeds convey warmth and love. The warm spring winds and the summer rain is moist enough to nourish all things. After graduating from college, she married her best friend’s brother, had children, and lived an enviable and happy life. However, the heavenly skies are unpredictable. On the day of her twins’ third birthday, the sudden fatal blow was like a thunderbolt from the sky. She fell, and her world collapsed.From here, will she be freed from life’s unbearable pain? Will she rediscover herself from that unexpected, devastating blow?

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