Ecosystem structure and function

Ecosystem structure and function

Khadidja BOUZID

85,14 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
Biologia, ciencias de la vida
85,14 €
IVA incluido
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This course introduces the principles of ecology that enable us to understand how ecosystems function, a prerequisite for understanding the main factors behind their dysfunction. The concept of an ecosystem results from and is presented as an integrated unit with its various abiotic and biotic components. Every living thing is a source of food for another living organism, which constitutes what is known as the trophic chain or food chain, and consists in the transfer of matter and energy from one trophic level to another. Climate change and the intensive use of habitats by mankind are at the root of many environmental upheavals. These disturbances are causing a loss of biodiversity. A number of research studies have demonstrated the negative impact of biodiversity loss on ecosystem functioning. The study of ecosystem functioning and the importance of diversity in maintaining ecological processes are taking on new importance.

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