Directory of Grants in the Humanities 2012

Directory of Grants in the Humanities 2012

Directory of Grants in the Humanities 2012

Ed S. Louis S. Schafer

203,88 €
IVA incluido
Schoolhouse Partners
Año de edición:
Métodos de investigación: general
203,88 €
IVA incluido
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Grants are supposed to enable work, not create more of it. You need a guide, a map, and the right tools for the job. Helping you from your earliest brainstorming sessions to fully funded projects, this essential directory offers countless tips and resources for artists, and arts organizations seeking funding for performances, exhibits, residencies, general operations, fellowships, and numerous other program types. This invaluable directory highlights 5,530 current programs from over 3,000 sponsors, including U.S. and foreign foundations, corporations, state arts councils and government agencies and other organizations.

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