Direct Indirect Veneers

Direct Indirect Veneers

Pranav Patil / Sayali Gandhi / Sharad Kamat

61,82 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
61,82 €
IVA incluido
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The demand for treatment of an aesthetic anterior teeth by the patients is growing steadily. The most durable and predictable aesthetic correction of anterior teeth has been achieved by the preparation of full crowns for several years. However, this approach is undoubtedly more invasive with substantial removal of large amounts of sound tooth structure and possible adverse effects on adjacent pulp and periodontal tissues.Due to the introduction of adhesion technique in combination with restorative materials that feature transluscent properties similar to those of natural teeth minimally invasive treatment options have became increasingly feasible in restorative dentistry. Resin bonded veneers offer an attaractive alternative to conventional single crowns in many cases due to their excellent esthetic properties and low level of invasiveness.

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