Dhatupatha Handbook

Dhatupatha Handbook

Dhatupatha Handbook

Ashwini Kumar Aggarwal

23,63 €
IVA incluido
Devotees of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ashram
Año de edición:
Enseñanza y aprendizaje de lenguas (distintas del inglés)
23,63 €
IVA incluido
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This book gives all the 1943 Roots in correct Panini order with Accents (Anudata, Udata and Svarita), preserving the Dhatu Serial Number so that looking up a dhatu in another dhatupatha becomes easy.English meaning for each Root is given.Each Root is given the classifications of- Parasmaipada / Atmanepada / Ubhayepada- Set / Anit / Vet- Transitive / Intransitive / Dvikarmaka- iii/1 Verb rupa for Present Tense Active Voice is listed for each RootInternal Grouping of Roots is clearly mentioned.Relevant Ashtadhyayi Sutra is listed for Roots that are difficult to conjugate.To make the book useful there are two indexes that do a complete job of locating any Root- Alphabetical Index on original dhatus as in Dhatupatha of Panini with tag letters- Standard Alphabetical Index on dhatus ready to be conjugated to Verbs stripped of tag lettersThis book is a standard size edition. Immensely useful for graduate and post graduate students of Vyakarana or Vedanta.

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