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Design and construction of an automated agroforestry machine

Design and construction of an automated agroforestry machine

José Reyna Bowen / Lizardo Reina Castro / Lourdes Vélez

82,85 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
Botánica y ciencias de las plantas
82,85 €
IVA incluido
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This research was part of a research project between SENACYT and UTM, selected as a national priority among the 399 projects presented at the national level, and as scholarship holders we were part of it. The main objective of this project was the design and construction of an automated agroforestry machine that will serve for the production of agroforestry plants with a yield of approximately 100 plants planted in polystyrene trays every 30'; this machine was developed with high efficiency technology and low environmental impact, for the production of forest plants of commercial value with covered roots in containers. Likewise, tests and corrections were established, through several field days, in which the criteria of farmers, students and professionals were received, for its improvement. The methodology used consisted of participatory action combined with the experimental method, putting into practice the interaction between professors, students and farmers in all its phases; the workshops of the University and the private company of the city of Portoviejo were used.

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