AUDREY K. DE B. gare de lumière

54,90 €
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KS OmniScriptum Publishing
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54,90 €
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Denis SASSOU N’GUESSO is the deep Africa contained in him in the wisdom of the spirit of light of the man and his time. The history of this man is linked to that of Africa in a relationship of common and shared destiny, which always places him at the heart of the great stakes of the Diplomacy of African Deep Wisdom in a multipolar world of balance and peace.Denis SASSOU N’GUESSO practices the science of the wisdom of the love of reason contained in the emotion, which he draws from the matrix arcanes of the African Deep Wisdom; where the ancestors are the masters of the knowledge, of the knowledge and of the love for the humanity of which he is in love and precursor of the Diplomacy of the African Deep Wisdom in the culture of the search for peace in the listening and the permanent dialogue in the morals of the living together.He is a man of listening, dialogue, consensus and word of action linked to the force of the soul and the body, in conciliation with the Great Love of the elders of the solar humanity in which we believe body and soul in the appeasement and the tranquility of the spirits in the culture of the search for peace.

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