Inicio > Medicina > Medicina complementaria > Quiropraxia y osteopatía > Degenerative Disc Disease Explained. Including Treatment, Surgery, Symptoms, Exercises, Causes, Physical Therapy, Neck, Back, Pain, and Much More! Fac
Degenerative Disc Disease Explained. Including Treatment, Surgery, Symptoms, Exercises, Causes, Physical Therapy, Neck, Back, Pain, and Much More! Fac

Degenerative Disc Disease Explained. Including Treatment, Surgery, Symptoms, Exercises, Causes, Physical Therapy, Neck, Back, Pain, and Much More! Fac

Degenerative Disc Disease Explained. Including Treatment, Surgery, Symptoms, Exercises, Causes, Physical Therapy, Neck, Back, Pain, and Much More! Fac

Frederick Earlstein

14,46 €
IVA incluido
Bryan Biernat
Año de edición:
Quiropraxia y osteopatía
14,46 €
IVA incluido
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Degenerative Disc Disease plagues the millions of people that suffer from it. This books aims to provide the information sought out by those millions of people. Frederick Earlstein has written this medical education guide to provide an understanding of Disc Disease including medical treatments, alternative treatments and self-care, nutrition and spine health.Treatment, surgery, symptoms, exercises, causes, physical therapy, neck, back pain, and much more are all covered.The book is written in an easy to read and understandable style.In a straight forward, no nonsense fashion, Frederick Earlstein covers all aspects of Degenerative Disc Disease. The book is full of informative content and answers to your questions - including some you didn’t know you had!

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