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Decentralization process of the Territorial Entities

Decentralization process of the Territorial Entities

Carlos Aguilera Caez / Pedro Sarmiento Utria / Sandra Galviz Campos

60,20 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
60,20 €
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The realization of this article seeks to consider a perspective that has been had on the advances that have been made with the conjugation of the system of administrative and planning regions -RAP- in the face of the needs that have arisen in recent years with the Territorial Entities, which has been assumed as in Colombia has tried to interpret a series of considerations on relationships within the context of what decentralization represents at this time, as well as the criteria of economic globalization and of course the elements that are have been integrated through the privatization channels of the main regional state assets, which evidently have undergone a transformation process together with the interaction together with what has had repercussions with the criteria of the main responsibilities generated within the different hierarchical characteristics that owns the state.

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