Dear World

Dear World

Jazmin Gonzalez

32,74 €
IVA incluido
Año de edición:
32,74 €
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Dear World: I am a Queen! 1 (Self-esteem, self-love and self-image book with exercises and reflections): 11 days to heal and build your mindset to become the Queen of Your Life WOMAN: HEAL AND BUILD YOUR SELF-ESTEEM IN 11 DAYS.Mind can be your best ally or your worst enemy, in this exercise book I help you make it your best friend so that you can be the owner of your life and leave your fears and limitations behind.The basis of a healthy self-esteem is the way you think about yourself, in this book you will learn to recognize and accept the queen that lives in you.In just 11 days, you will be able to recognize and release false beliefs about yourself that have limited you to experiencing life at its best, and you will begin to build a more powerful and healthier mindset, to live a fuller and happier life.Connect with the purity of your soul through this workbook and leave behind the weak, fearful, shy and small woman who, in the past, did not dare to shine and manifest the life of her dreams.This book contains reflections and questions for you to complete for 11 days, and as you do so, you will get to know yourself more deeply and heal the emotional wounds of the past, while cultivating new empowering beliefs.Build a healthy mindset and shine like the queen you are!

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