Cultivating Research Knowledge and Skills in Young Minds

Cultivating Research Knowledge and Skills in Young Minds

Zemelak Goraga

33,97 €
IVA incluido
Año de edición:
33,97 €
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Embark on a journey of discovery with 'Cultivating Research Knowledge and Skills in Young Minds: Volume 1,' a captivating guide that introduces children to the fascinating world of research. This book demystifies the research process, illustrating its importance through imaginative stories and relatable characters. Young readers will learn how to formulate questions, gather and analyze data, and share their findings effectively. Essential skills such as teamwork, ethical considerations, and decision-making are woven into the narratives, emphasizing good practices in research. By exploring the steps of the research process and understanding its impact, children are empowered to make informed decisions and contribute valuable insights to their communities. Perfect for young scholars eager to explore, create, and learn, this book lays the foundation for a lifetime of curiosity and scientific inquiry. Join us as we cultivate the research skills of tomorrow’s innovators!

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