Congolese diplomacy and ICT

Congolese diplomacy and ICT

Firmin Guy Ocko-Bong

85,78 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
Administración pública
85,78 €
IVA incluido
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If we are to understand the world’s major problems, determine their causes and foresee their effects on present and future society, we need to be aware that humanity today finds itself at the start of a major new revolution. This revolution is marked, among other things, by scientific and technological advances in information and communication technologies (ICT); the globalization of the world’s economies; and the trend towards planetary management of the world’s resources. These technological innovations are forcing a new interdependence between nations, the corollary of which is a new way of thinking and a new state of mind.It is in this context that the present study proposes to: (i) assess the appropriation of ICTs by the Congolese diplomatic administration, and (ii) identify the obstacles to access and appropriation of ICTs by Congolese diplomats. The objectives of the study are to examine the role played by ICTs in the processing of diplomatic information; to identify problems in the appropriation of ICTs; and to formulate useful suggestions for capacity-building.

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