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Commercial food production and local development in the Divo department

Commercial food production and local development in the Divo department

Marcel DAGO

137,72 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
137,72 €
IVA incluido
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This book aims to highlight the contribution of commercial food production to local development in the Divo department. This work required a methodology combining several techniques, such as documentary research, observation and interviews.It is by proceeding in this way that this study was able to present results and make analyses on the link between commercial food production and local development in Divo. The approach adopted led to the following conclusions: Divo department benefits from favorable physical conditions that regulate cultivation and enable the influx of farmers. Moreover, the State’s policy in favor of food-producing agriculture has had an impact on the orientation and crowning of all activities linked to commercial food production, through its supervisory structures. Thanks to the income it generates, commercial food production is a driving force behind the modification and transformation of the living conditions and environment of the local population.

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