Inicio > Lenguas > Lingüistica > Alfabetismo > COGNITIVE LINGUISTICS


Larisa Mironova

63,39 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
63,39 €
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Did mankind have a common universal language, and if so, what kind of language? Is it possible to create an adequate metalanguage now? In our times? Is true poetry possible in a special metalanguage? However, a poet may not have a native language as a first language. And what then? Nothing, because poetry as perception of truth is not a completely human thing and is least of all related to the mentally arranged space of being. Poetry as the primordial language of mankind is its mother tongue, moreover it is put to music, like live singing instead of recitation, and it was exactly so - as a garden was before arable land, painting before writing, parable before logical inferences which do not penetrate the subcortex, no matter how hard you fight, exchange before trade... Our distant ancestors, whose dancing was their natural movement and singing was the expression of feelings and thoughts, were forgotten to rest in eternal sleep. And all this was at the beginning of the beginnings. How could it not be possible to recall the ever lovely types of art - ballet and opera - that are beloved by many people, because they refer us to those long ago magical times...

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